Monday, November 9, 2009

Test Review

Reviewing Key Terms

In your Science Log, match the description in A with the correct term in B


- a deadly chemical
- the molecule that controls life
- three DNA bases
- not a sex cell
- the sequence of bases on a set of chromosomes
- a section of DNA that makes a protein
- a genetic duplicate


- codon
- amino acid
- herbicide
- clone
- somatic
- gene
- bioremediation
- hormone
- genome

Short Answer Questions

What are the different types of mutations and how can they affect an organism?

Explain the relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes.

How can a karyotype be used to determine the gender of a person?

What are the advantages of using biotechnology to alter crop plants?

What are the advantages of bioremediation over other forms of cleaning up toxic waste?

Essay Questions

The gene for Human Growth Hormone has been added to bacteria, which produces the hormone in quantitiy relatively cheaply. What problems might this create?

Where would you look for an "anti-freeze" gene for fish?

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