Sunday, November 8, 2009

The History of Biotechnology

The practice of biotechnology began as early as 2000 B.C.E. and was mainly related to food production. By mating animals and plants with desirable characteristics, farmers found they could maintain these characteristics within the offspring. Crops and livestock were healthier and more productive. Micro-organisms were also widely used, like today. Bacteria and fungi were used to produce yogurts and cheeses. Yeast helped produce bread and beer.

Early 'biotechnologists' did not conciously alter the genetic material of organisms. Today, the study of reproductive technology focuses on directly altering genetic material within a cell's nucleus to produce desired outcomes. New technologies hold the promise of increasing the world's food supply, producing new types of food, and treating various diseases including inherited genetic disorders.

For a detailed time line click here.

The discovery of DNA, in which genetic information is contained is pivotal to reproductive technology. Next, we will look at the importance and the structure of DNA.

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